Who can become a member of NGA and what are the benefits to joining?
Retailer: Any privately-held, independent and/or family owned and operated grocery retailer or ESOP can join NGA as a retail member.
Wholesaler: Firms primarily engaged in the retail distribution of food and related products; and firms primarily engaged in wholesale distribution, including retailer-owned cooperatives and voluntary wholesale distributors of food and related products.
Associate/Supplier: Firms regularly engaged in manufacturing for sale of food and related products to regular members; firms regularly engaged in supplying services to regular members; and local, state, regional and other associations whose purpose is to serve food retailers and/or distributors.
Why Join?
For nearly 40 years, NGA has been the voice of the independent supermarket industry in Washington, DC and across the nation. We are proud to stand up for Main Street supermarkets and fight for wins that allow you to grow your business and better serve your communities. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, our industry was fortunate to experience a strong year and we have worked to ensure that our members voices are heard during these critical times. NGA continues to provide a variety of services tailored to meeting the changing needs of independent supermarket operators and your associates at all levels, storewide. Such benefits and resources provided include:
- Full Service Government Relations Department: Working to level the playing field for independent grocers and the wholesalers that serve them, NGA pushes back against discriminatory federal policies and regulations. Additionally, as a member you’ll have access to advice and assistance from our professional staff on legal and compliance issues.
- Industry Insights and Trends: The most up to date information on industry news, trends, food recalls, counterfeit coupons, as well as benchmarking data unique to the independent industry.
- Networking and Community: Through NGA’s programs and events, both in person and virtually, NGA offers members an opportunity to have meaningful dialogues with key stakeholders throughout the food retail supply chain.
- Training and Continuing Education: Over 170 grocery-specific educational courses in multiple languages, including Spanish, geared at associates at all levels.
- Recruitment and Retention: The NGA Foundation, the non-profit arm of the association, provides independents with the tools to develop more effective recruiting programs, enhance retention efforts and bolster professional and leadership development opportunities for employees.
- Savings and Discounts on NGA Events: Free webinars for members on numerous topics addressing emerging issues, as well as discounts on NGA events throughout the year, including NGA’s signature conference, The NGA Show (www.TheNGAShow.com).
How does my company join?
View highlights of the benefits of NGA membership associated with each member category and download the application for Retailer, Wholesaler, and Associate membership. Email membership@nationalgrocers.org or call (703) 516-0700 with questions.
How much are the dues?
Membership dues are based on your company’s annual sales to the grocery industry. Each membership category has its own dues structure. To view the dues structure, please download your category application from the list below:
You can also visit our online Dues Calculator to learn more.
Where can I find a current list of NGA Members?
Please email membership@nationalgrocers.org for a current list of NGA Members.
Where can I find a list of NGA Staff?
The NGA staff directory is available should you have any questions. Visit our staff page for additional information.
What is NGA’s location and main contact information?
National Grocers Association
601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
North Building, Suite 375
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 938 2570
Email: info@nationalgrocers.org
Website: www.nationalgrocers.org
Does NGA offer any educational programs or seminars?
NGA offers a variety of educational programs and workshops to further your knowledge of the grocery industry. Visit our education page to learn more about the educational programs NGA offers.
When are NGA’s annual conferences and events?
NGA has a variety of events throughout the year. The NGA Show is our largest event with nearly 3,500 attendees in 2020. Member companies receive discounted rates to attend or exhibit at our events. Visit our events page to see a full list of 2021 events and programs.